Privacy Policy

1. Collection and use of your information 

Deltos Finance will only seek to collect necessary information from you in order to provide you with the credit assistance you have sought from us.  We may also use this information for purposes associated with our services such as follow-up calls to assist you.

Information will generally be collected directly from you, and this may be done in person, over the phone or via digital channels.

2. Types of information we may access 

Deltos Finance will generally seek ‘personal information’ and ‘financial information’ about you.

Personal information is any information from which your identity is reasonably apparent, which may include information or an opinion about you, your name, date of birth, address, account details, occupation, and any other information which we may require to identify you.

Financial information is that which we utilise to assess your suitability for a credit product or to assist you in applying for a credit product. Examples of this information include any finance you may have outstanding, your repayment history in respect of these loans, as well as details of your employment, income, and expenses.

In certain circumstances, we may also be required to collect ‘sensitive information’ (such as health information) on behalf of the lender in the course of giving you credit assistance. 

3. Services without your personal information 

Generally, it will be necessary for us to identify you in order to assist you with finding a product that meets your needs, however, where it is lawful and practicable for us to do so we will allow you to conduct business with us to the fullest extent possible without providing us with your personal information such as making general enquiries about promotional offers.

By providing your information to us, we take this as confirmation that you consent to your information being used in accordance with our privacy policy.

4. Disclosure of personal information 

Deltos Finance will never unnecessarily exchange your personal or business information with any third party for any reason, unless compelled to by force of law.  However, in order to assist you, we may be required to provide your personal information to certain organisations.  If your information is not provided, we may be unable to assist you.  The types of organisations include:

  • Lenders
  • Australian Credit Licensees 
  • Mortgage insurers 
  • Other mortgage intermediaries
  • Valuers 
  • Other organisations that assist us such as printers, mailing houses, lawyers, debt collectors, accountants, and other auditors. Some of these organisations may be overseas. 

5. Access and alterations to your personal information 

You can gain access to your personal or company information or advise alterations to that information by contacting our office:

Contact Person: Alexander Pace


Information which is easily accessible will be provided to you free of charge. However, information which is more difficult to access may have a fee associated with the request. You can also contact us for more detailed information on how we collect, handle, and secure your personal information.

6. Marketing 

From time to time, Deltos Finance may contact you with information about products from either us or our industry affiliates that we believe may interest you.  To opt out of receiving such information, simply let us know by contacting us directly using the details above. 

7. Security of your personal information 

Deltos Finance takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal or company information from unauthorised access, theft, or modification.

In the extremely unlikely event that Deltos Finance suspects that there has been a data breach that may cause you serious harm, we will take all reasonable steps to assess if your data has been accessed or lost, and if this information being accessed or lost may cause you serious harm. This assessment will always be completed expeditiously and within 30 days.

If Deltos Finance finds that there has been a data breach that has the potential to cause you serious harm, this will be reported to the Office of the Information Commissioner and to you directly.

8. Feedback on the handling of your personal information 

Should you be unsatisfied in the manner in which Deltos Finance has handled your personal information please contact us (per details listed above). We will take all necessary steps to investigate and address your concerns. If the issue you have raised is not resolved to your satisfaction you should contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at:
Mail: GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001.

You can learn more about the Privacy Act and your rights at

9. Complaints 

Irrespective of our status as a credit representative, our reputation is built on matching the appropriate product(s) to the individual’s requirements. We go to great lengths to ensure satisfaction with our services and offerings. However, there may be instances from time to time, where applicants may be dissatisfied with the outcomes of our consultation process. If you have a complaint about the service that we provide, the following steps or avenues for resolution are available to you.

9.1 Step 1 

Most complaints arise from miscommunication and can usually be fixed quickly. So, please contact Alexander Pace first and express your concerns.

9.2 Step 2 

If the issue is not satisfactorily resolved within 5 working days by talking with Alexander Pace, we will apply our internal complaints process to manage your complaint appropriately. In this instance, the complaint will be internally escalated to our Complaints Officer. You may also contact the Complaints Officer directly.

Complaints Officer 

Name  Ingrid Naiman

By using our internal complaints process we hope to assist you to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. The maximum timeframe in which to provide a written response to you is 45 days, although in pursuit of best practice and the reputation of our organisation, we aim to resolve these issues in a much shorter time frame.

9.3 Step 3 

Although we try hard to resolve a customer’s concern in the most considerate and direct manner, if you are not completely satisfied after the above steps have been attempted, you still have other avenues available to resolve the dispute. This is then managed externally and independently.

This external dispute resolution (EDR) process is available to you, at no cost. One EDR schemes is listed below. This indicates that the Credit Representative and their authorising Licensee are both required to be members (independently) of an ASIC approved EDR scheme. Where a Credit Representatives EDR is displayed, please contact that EDR scheme in the first instance for complaint escalation.

  EDR (Licensee)  
Name  AFCA  
Phone  1800 931 678  
Address  Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited, GPO Box 3 Melbourne, VIC 3001 


Deltos Referral Program - Terms and Conditions

The client that you refer to Deltos Finance (‘us’) must not be yourself, your co-borrower, or a company/business owned or co-owned by yourself. The client you refer must not be an existing client of Deltos Finance.

Only one referral reward can be claimed per referred client. A referred client includes their partner and immediate family members.

The referral reward is based on the total loan amount that settles within a 30-day period of the first settled loan for that same client. (E.g. if three loan applications for the same client all settle within the initial 30-day period, the referral reward will be based on the total of all three loans)

Where a prior arrangement has been made between the referrer and Deltos Finance for referral fees outside the referral program, he/she will not be eligible to claim a reward under the referral program.

Each referral must be for a minimum loan amount of $200,000 to qualify for the Referral Program. All rewards are subject to the successful settlement of the loan and the relevant total loan amount that settles. Deltos Finance must receive full payment from the lender of the loan amount to qualify.

Referrer will receive payment into their nominated bank account within 7 days of Deltos Finance receiving full payment from the lender.

Referred client needs to be introduced/referred before Deltos Finance interacts with the client, with written confirmation via email or text which has been received and confirmed, or through the referral form. Referral program rewards and loan amounts are subject to change without notice. The client can’t already be in the Deltos Finance database of existing clients/leads.