Author name: Deltos Finance

using equity to buy investment property

Unlocking the Power of Equity: A Guide to Buying Investment Property with Ease

Investing in property has traditionally been a popular path to building wealth for many Australians. For homeowners with accumulated equity, it presents an opportunity to expand their real estate portfolio. In the Australian real estate market, despite the peaks and troughs, property values have shown consistent growth over the years. This is why many people

Unlocking the Power of Equity: A Guide to Buying Investment Property with Ease Read More »

A modern suburban house in Australia

Tap into the Power of Strategic Timing When Refinancing Your Home Loan

Refinancing your home loan may hold the keys to a treasure trove of savings, a gateway to lighter monthly burdens and the opportunity to unlock the hidden potential of your home’s equity. Yet, amidst the excitement, many borrowers inadvertently overlook the vital ingredient that can supercharge these benefits: timing. So today, let’s discover how strategic

Tap into the Power of Strategic Timing When Refinancing Your Home Loan Read More »

A picture of a three-story house being constructed

From Blueprint to Reality: A Quick Guide to Construction Loans

Picture this: you’ve got grand visions of your dream home, meticulously planned down to the last detail. But there’s a catch—you can’t seem to find anything like it anywhere. This could lead to the opportunity to build your home. Construction loans provide the necessary finance for constructing buildings. They offer a unique solution for transforming

From Blueprint to Reality: A Quick Guide to Construction Loans Read More »